
About us

About us

We are a Higher Education Institution founded by the Presbyterian Church of Colombia, bearing legal personality by way of Resolution 1021 of May 12, 2002 and approved by the Ministry of National Education to offer cultural public services and fulfill a social role based on the principles set forth in Title I, Chapter I of Law 30/1992 in pursuit of the following objectives:

  • To promote and guarantee quality in the production, development, divulgation and appropriation of knowledge and the use of technology, in its many forms, seeking solutions to regional and national issues. This involves academic outcomes; internal processes and means; institutional facilities and qualitative and quantitative aspects of infrastructure; appropriate conditions for Corporación Universitaria Reformada to flourish; all in harmony with scientific, technological, artistic and philosophical development within a tolerant and respectful environment.
  • FTo promote and guarantee integral education to the entire university community, as well as the free and responsible application of critical thinking to learning, teaching and research activities towards scientific, humanist and social development of mankind.
  • To welcome all social forces into our Institution, from an open communication ethos towards peoples worldwide, to adopt a broad spectrum of human rationality manifestations and to leverage scientific and technological advancements as a driving factor for regional and national development.

The foregoing is intended to promote national unity while maintaining a respect for differences, decentralization, and national and regional integration, as the outcome of coexisting economic, social and cultural features within the institution, as well as interinstitutional cooperation. This in order to facilitate appropriate technology and human resources availability in diverse areas of the Colombia to attend to adequately tend to their needs.

  • To develop activities where various institutional bodies work together as well as with other overarching agencies for education and training, both domestic and international.
  • To promote education and consolidation of academic communities, as well as joint efforts with their homologous counterparts abroad, becoming a developmental factor across the cultural, economic, political and ethical landscapes of the region and the country.
  • To promote the care and defense of life, the protection of the environment, and to foster a green culture with ecological education.



“Approved by Agreement SG 07 dated September 08, 2018.”

Corporación Universitaria Reformada is a nonprofit, private Higher Education Institution, dedicated to individual and professional education across occupations and areas of knowledge. Our institution is founded on the Reformatist education tradition to foster the development of autonomous, ethical, responsible human beings with leadership skills that contribute to a free, fair and fraternal society that embraces diversity.



“Approved by Agreement SG 07 dated September 08, 2018.”

Corporación Universitaria Reformada strives to gain recognition as a Higher Education Institution committed to transforming reality, based on its interpretation of the swift and profound transformation of the Caribbean region that extends beyond Colombian borders. Thus, its purpose is to help students realize their potential, develop their skills and gain knowledge in the pursue of their integral human development, in a happy and joyful environment.
The Institution is committed to facilitating increased access of students to educational resources and to close the gap between students and faculty to allow individuals to reach their academic and professional goals.



By engaging in educational processes driven by constant reflection on practice, students can develop skills and abilities required to become drivers of change in virtue of their autonomy, intellectual endowment, creativity and professional ethics. As a result, students shall become capable of developing innovative theoretical-practical ideas and solutions, in order to build new social organization structures to improve quality of life and promote sustainable development.

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